My dad

My dad blames me for everything. He lectures me and calls me pathetic and pitiful…and you don’t expect me to get just a little pissed? He then walks away and tells me how I ruined the day and stuff. I DIDN”T DO ANYTHING!!

He’s always like this…I’m so tired of it. I’ve tried the sit down and talk…ECT. BUt I still remain his little target for when he’s angry. HELP??

Answer #1

Hmm, well, maybe this is a little extreme, especially in this economy, but one thing is to consider moving out…if not soon, then planning to make it soon.

Sometimes, parents do this just to get kids out of the house. Not because they don’t love you, but…well, I don’t know. I always thought the best way to go about it is just say “Hey, its time for you to get your own space now”.

Also, what kind of work does he do, and is that what he wants to do? I’ve recently gotten an apt after moving back to help my family after they lost their house. It was tough staying with them…but at least now I’ll have my privacy and sanity back. I guess my point is, with my mother, she has a terrible anger control problem…after pointing out to her, basically what a jerk she’s been…to her own family…the people that standby her through thick and thin…she woke up.

Hard to believe right? I mean, you shouldn’t have to explain to any family member why family should ALWAYS get respect, but apparently some people get so lost in their problems…they literally just can’t see straight.

My answer might not be the right one…its rough out there…you need to have backup and a fallback plan. Maybe, for now, you can start screening for roommates…probably best to have girls room with you for now…you can put an ad on craigslist or Angie’s list meet with them ask questions and choose from there.

Or, if you’re making good money(which even these days isn’t enough) you can live on your own. I think that’s where its going. If you haven’t done anything wrong and he’s snapping like that at ya…he’s either having a hard time, and can’t handle his emotions. He wants you to move out, or, its some other unforseen reason. If its unforseen, you can only control yourself…so, imho, I think your back to the moving out situation.

Thats my two cents…don’t spend it all in one place… :D

Answer #2

stop stop stop, listen I always had this problem I have a bone head dad too, but I finally though well I wonder why he is so mad at me? so I though what if I had a kid and he/she did what I did and I realized it was half me and half him! but also what helps is spending time under the radar, like doing what he asks, and staying away from him as much as possible. and not asking things of him for a little while.

Answer #3

yeah you knno wwhat you shoudltn listen to what he has to say if he has something bad to say to you just be liek I dont need you to ruin my day or w.e peopke like that who only bring negativity in our lives arent worth it. even if its your dad. and especially if he wont listen to waht you have to say clearly he doesnt care nor should you. ignore him. dont talk to him. and pretend that your the happiest person around. do waht makes you happy. have lots of close friends and other close family members surrounding u.

Answer #4

what your dad is paranoid it’s colmon that parentys shout to their kids if the kid turned out the way the parent didn’t predict but did you do something that he isn’t proud of?

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