My brother & the war...

My bro is 28 and im 14. Weve never been all lovey dovey but silently understanding and protective of one another. But just last weak we had a convo and it brought us closer then ever. Now my mom and him had a fight, ( Shes a total b!tch) and aint going near him. Or try and stop him, he would have listened to her.But hes in-lisiting and im scared. Hes got 3 kids. One of wich sadly has no mother. So how do I get him to stay? I wouldnt beable to handle losing him, annoying and selfish as he is hes my bro.

Answer #1

Are you saying he is going to war? That he is in the military or is joining the military? If so it is an honorable thing to do. My husband is getting deployed this fall/winter. He fights for our freedom and is away from his family to fight for other famlies freedom. Be proud if that is what he is doing.

Answer #2

You can’t. The only way he’s staying is if he goes and gets injured and can’t get back in the war. If he stays without going to war he will go to prison

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