What if my boyfriend scares me?

When I met this guy everything was great until one day he left his phone on and I deleted a girls #… i know i had no right going trough his phone but he cheated on me with 2 other girls so even thought i didn’t want to look i had to…and i found out he still talks to them so i deleted their #s and her got u a couple hours later and went to work not even 10 mins after he left he came home screaming and slammed the door.. i thought he broke the glass on it and he was screaming and yelling on top of his lungs … and i have been scared ever since and i dont know what to do about it.

Answer #1

It’s time to take control and end the relationship. Any man who can leave you scared is not a man you should be in a relationship with.

Talk to a close friend or relative if you need help moving out of a shared home etc and make sure you have somewhere safe to stay afterwards. If you are asking him to leave a shared home I would suggest you have a male friend or relative present.

Don’t lose your temper, or for that matter your nerve, and tell him that you see no future for the relationship and that it is time you both moved on.

If he ever gets angry or shows any sign of physical violence against you, phone the police immediately.

Answer #2

leave him, he is using you. guys who cheat are not worth a breath.

test@test.com if you need to talk

Answer #3

Your relationship couldnt have been all that great if he cheated on you hun!! Dump the loser!

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