My boyfriend or my new friend?

Me and my ex were together for almost 10 months. Well he just resently got locked up for 2 months. While hes been in there I’ve had second thoughts because he just told me in a letter he cheated on me and lied to me all the time but now he wants to change…I just dont know what to do. Im scared he’ll just do the same thing again. I cought him cheatin before, but he promised hed change…then I just found out he never did…what should I do…I also just found another guy I’ve been talkin 2 and he is so sweet and he is going thru the same thing im going thru wit his ex girlfriend. I really like him and hes really startin to like me. We talk and hang out all the time. Im just so cinfused between the guy I’ve loves for as long as I can remember and I guy I just met a few weeks ago. Tyler…my ex… Gets out in 16 days…so help me make up mt mind quick. Plese and thank you.

Answer #1

Do not leave a guy for another guy. If you are not happy with your current boyfriend then leave him. But you do not know how to other guy with react in the same instances or where you guys will be in the same amount of time so just take a step back and figure out what you want.

Answer #2

They always say they’ll change… it is rare that they do… Not only is he in jail, but he cheated on you more than once… You are asking for trouble if you stay with this guy. You’ve found a new guy, move on…

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