My boyfriend hates me

Ok so I dated this guy last year for like 4-5 months, and now we got back together

it’s been about 3 weeks now, and he’s acting really werid, like I use to have

problems and it made me not smile or be happy, and for him I changed. This

one night we were having a conversation, and then he started asking me

questions and it went into something I would have never wanted to tell him. And

then all a sudden he falls asleep, and I call his name and he’s like what the fuck

how long were you talking about stuff like that, and he says it happends to him all

the time, he doesn;t remember any of our conversation.

But now he’s acting like he remmebers, and he said something that I said in the

conversation he “doesn’t remember” and when I call him, and he hears my voice he gets all down, and he’s the silence like when I told him what we both didn;t

want to hear come out of my mouth.

H’e been having problems at home and I keep saying to myself, “give him time ,

give him time” he says it has nothing to do with me but then why is it balmed on

me? It isn’t fair. I love him but he’s being a jerk .

Last night I was talking to him for an hour, and then he’s like ‘I gatto go” and im like ‘yeah me too” and then im like “well I’ll guess I’ll” and I was about to say I love

you and im the middle of my sentence he says “bye” and hangs up the phone.

I don’t know he’s treating me like crap, he doesn;t even seem like he cares about me anymore.

I don’t know what to do. please help me <3

Answer #1

I think you should talk to him and hopefully you will feel better, whatever he says its good to talk and understand each other, Just tell him directly how you feel but not on the phone, to his face would be better. Tell him that you care about him but you are feeling abit down because he’s not been caring recently and explain that you need more attention and see what he says, Also I really think you should wait a few years before having a baby, I know there so cute and every girl wants to be a mum but you’ve got your whole life to have babies, now it would be hard, your loose your time to be young and enjoy yourself, money is an issue and education too, Also I think you would be much happier having a child when you have a stable relationship or marriage so there be two parents definately for the baby. Please think about it carefully, at your age it would be really hard and you’d have to miss out on a lot of fun times (going out wit friends, holidays with them, money to go shoppin for yourself…) tc xxx

Answer #2

Some people can’t control their emotions, and he shouldn’t be taking his feelings on you. I would take a break from the relationship until the problems at home get sorted out.. or I you could try listening more and talking less and just help him through his problems at home if you are sure those are what is causing this.

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