My boyfriend has herpes, what do I do?

My boyfriend just found out he has herpes, I’m broken inside. I really don’t know what to do, I don’t. I mean I read that it isn’t curable. I’m 19 and love this guy with all my heard I just don’t know where to turn from here…

What should I do? :(

Answer #1

All of every1s responses were great and all true in some part. I am 25 years old and I have herpes since I was 19. I give a lot of credit for your boyfriend telling you because its is very and I mean very hard to confess that to someone. Now as I previously said I have herpes and I have been with my husband for 2 years this coming august. I was wrong in not telling him right away I waited about 1 month and it was so difficult cause I had feelings for him and I knew in telling him I was most likely ending our relationship. But it didnt and he actually proposed to me the very next day. Don’t let, as we call it, “the thingie” affect what you feel for him. Someone previously said you probably have it and I would like to correct them IF keyword IF you have had sex with him Honey I’m sorry to say but you DO have it! It may not be active and it can live in your body for years and you not knowing. I haven’t had an outbreak since I was 22 that doesn’t mean it not contagious! Sweetie I wish you best of luck and if you decide to separate from him (from personal experience I’ve been rejected very nicely and badly) PLEASE BABYGIRL PLEASE let him know you both respect and appreciate his courage and honesty! Thank god he wasn’t an ahole and not tell you and then you wouldn’t have been able to make the decision to live with this disease because you will have to deal wth it EVERYDAY OF YOUR LIFE outbreak or not it is still there! Even the smallest pimple or bump can be a sign of an outbreak so please be very careful and make your decision after some research!! GOOD LUCK!! Now I don’t know how this website works but I’m going to create a page to post my answer and if you have ANY question hit me up…

Answer #2

you could stop having sex, if you don’t want to though which I DOUBT you do, DON’T have sex while he’s having an outbreak, wear protection, and that medicine or whatever they were talking about before me should also help both of you out. just try to be carefull.

Answer #3

that sucks but don’t break up with him just because he has herpes. its treatable and yall can live a life and you can possibly never get it. and if you do one day at least y’all will still be together and yall can live through with it together.

Answer #4

It’s not curable, but it is treatable. Valtrex (valacyclovir) is a popular brand. (

I’d do a little research and find out if there’s something he can take.

Major side note: Just because he isn’t currently experiencing an outbreak doesn’t mean he’s been cured or it’s gone away. Even though he’s showing no signs doesn’t mean you won’t be able to catch them, either. The Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) is no friend. It’s the friend that keeps on giving, yes, but it isn’t the friend you like to keep around.

I’d go see a doctor and have him set your boyfriend up with something to help ease the risk of outbreaks and spreading.

Good luck. 8D

Answer #5

Well you most likley have herpes then to unless you are not sexually active. I new a couple that were married the lady had herpes but the husband did not because she was on valtrex I think??? not sure if thats the right one, it can help stop out breaks but you still may be able to pick it up. I would suggest you go get tested also. Its a hard desicion to make if you love him then stay with him if you already have the virus otherwise make sure he is on his medication and you use protection. Good luck to you! Merry xmas

Answer #6

I agree with mrsOrtiz ^. Don’t let it come between you. I’m 20 and my boyfriend has herpes simplex virus 2. I love him insanely and still want to marry him. The only difference now is that he’s very withdrawn, like he thinks his life is over. It’s hard, because it’s really emotional dealing with him. If anyone ever wants to talk, email me at It’s easier talking to people who understand what he’s going through, because I try my hardest to be there for him. Thanks <3 Ev

Answer #7

DONT HAVE SEX!!! say away from the infected penis!! and if you really do want to be with him have him get on valtrex! hope that helps!

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