How should I address this problem?

He and I have known each other for a few years and we’ve had our ups and down. Right now we’re living together. Over all I would say we’ve been having a good time with each other. Lately though it seems like he just isn’t very interested in talking to me any more. I try to bring up something, and he basically ignores it. I’ll try to talk about something I think would interest him, and I do get a little more of a response, but not much. It’s been like that each and every single time I try to talk to him. I’m starting to feel a little unwanted and worried. How should I address this problem… ?

Answer #1

give space

Answer #2

I understand your concern becasue my boyfriend is the same sometimes… do you guys give each other space? That’s important because seeing each other too much & not giving each other the space 2 miss 1 another causes that 2 happen. I don’t think it’s anything against u, but if it makes you feel better ask him if everything is ok, tell him how you feel, then just keep that in mind 2 give each other space 2 miss each other.

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