My boyfriend cum

I love to eat cum after sex it makes me feel kinky? is that wrong? anyway how do you make a man cum lots of thick cum? I mean like my boyfriend for the first time came thick lots of times but now its like just a little bit and so watery? Does it have something to do with 3 times a day? What should I make for him to eat or drink to make him cum thick again?

Answer #1

Cum is a term used to represent a man’s ejaculatory fluid. There is nothing wrong with liking cum… It’s just like anything else (if you like it, you like it). If it makes you feel fulfilled after sexual practices then why hold back? As for what you can do to make his cum thicker; what you are trying to do is increase his sperm-count. If you make him ejaculate a number of times within somewhat quick succession (eg. three times a day), the fluid will naturally be more watery because the body is not able to replenish what is lot with each ejaculation (to form thicker ejaculatory fluid).

However, to at least make it a little bit thicker, you can take several steps.

  1. Ensure that he does not masturbate too often and try not too make him ejaculate too regularly.

  2. Make sure his testicles are not ‘too’ warm. The testicles are somewhat separate to the body because sperm need to live in a cooler area. If he is wearing tight clothing which could be heating the area, that could result in a lower sperm-count.

  3. Having him eat a lot of high-protein foods can result in a higher sperm-count. Also ensure that he does have some zinc intake (sperm contains a high quantity of zinc) and that he has plenty of Vitamin C rich foods.

  4. Ensure that he is not drinking, smoking or taking drugs. They can result in a much lower sperm-count and overuse can sometimes result in infertility.

  5. Make sure he does drink plenty of fluids.

Those things should result in a higher/ healthier sperm-count, but different things work for different people. Just see what he is comfortable with.

Answer #2

that was a bit of a weird response, but I’d say make sure he doesnt get off so often then when you two are getting down to business, tease him a lot, make him so horny that he cant control himself the more you delay an orgasm the stronger it will be…thus resulting in more cum

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