My boyfriend cheated on me

We had only been together for around half a month, and on new years eve I had to spend it with family as my plans all went wrong. He had a small party at his house and he ‘did things’ with my so called best friend. He told me that he was really sorry and he was too drunk to remember, but I have recently been told by others that he wasnt as drunk as he claimed. I stayed with him, but it all got abit too much and I called it off. Over the time of us not being together he tried everything to get me back, this in a way showed me how much he did really care so we got back together. Our relationship now, is better than ever but it still bothers me. He always reasures me how much he loves me, and that it didnt mean anything and how it will never happen again. I do trust that he wont, but theres a small part of me that wonders. He says that he would never do it know because he loves me, and he didnt feel half as much for me then than he does now, I suppose in a way this shows that he wont because he loves me, but at the same time it makes me think, “so he didnt actually like me” I’m not sure what to do about this because I feel as if I love him too and I do not want to end it, but I can’t get it off my mind.

Any help would be much appreciated. Sorry for the really long story… x

Answer #1

hey. alright listen I totally hear you out ok. you know that small part of you that wonders about the relationship? that’s called your female intuition. it’s a thing that we gurls have that men don’t. keep in mind that this small part means a BIG thing when it comes to your emotions. now, most men, when they do something, they are destined to do it again. that’s just what they do. but if you believe that he won’t ever do it again and that you can trust him, then go right ahead. but just know that YOU CAN DO WAYYY BETTER GURLY!!! there are so many men out there who really are true and won’t cheat on you and especially with your so called best friend. don’t be afraid to let go of him. always pay attention to that small part of you that wonders though. hope I helped :)

Answer #2

stay with him but he has to gain your trust back and earn it the hard way tell him not to talk to your friend again if he wants to continue and just go along time will say what is supposed to be and if you dont trust him later than dump him dont matter if you hurt him he did it to you too.

Answer #3

mmmhh, 1st of all you have to know that it is in the nature of all men to cheat. the fact that your guy cheats on you does not mean that he don’t love u. I think he loves you like he says (reason why he says it all the time so that you should not forget it) and don’t wanna let you go. so just stick to him and don’t listen to what p’ple say about him.

Answer #4

I’ve already told him that I’m not just going to forgive him, but if I bring it up he just complains and says that it doesnt matter anymore, he can’t see that it matters to me. Thing is, we see her everyday at school, so its hard to avoid her really. As long as I let him know that he needs to re-gain my trust then I think it should be fine. Thankyouu very much =)

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