My boyfriend

Will touch me down south and just like rub it, ok that nice but sometimes I want him to go under and and be a little more agressive! How the hell can I tell him that without sounding pushy. Because he gets me so horny and then I want more but he stops. Helppp!!

Answer #1

tel him baby im horny help me hehe be cute with it tel him what you want and how you want it and im sure he wld love to do it for u

Answer #2

just be straight up and honest. if he doesnt want to accept his decision and dont push him to do things he doesnt want to.take control

Answer #3

yeah like ild just puch his head down there and be like eat me out or something tell him what you want

Answer #4

show him what you want. make him want to do it to u. drives em crazy if ya touch urself infront of em

Answer #5

Just push his head down or just say quit teasing me and do some action

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