What do I do with him?

he just txted me saying he realy loves me but he wants me to do more touchy stuff with him,we have been dating for about 2 years now but I dont want to do that stuff wit him because im scared of how too hes not a virgin and I am so I have no idea what to do wit him, help?

Answer #1

maybe you could ask him what he means by being “‘more touchy”‘ ask him if he wants yout to be more touchy sexually or if he just wants you to say, hug him or hold his hand more

Answer #2

Listen to thomasandjossy, she it 100% correct.

All guys say they love girls so they can have sex with them. Usually they leave after they get what they want.

You’re only hope is to make sure you’re never, ever alone with him. Ever. Other wise, he’ll have his way with you.

Don’t do it, you’ll almost surely regret giving in to him.

Answer #3

well that happend with me and I ended up preganat..look I dont want no1 to go through this..so if he wants to be all touchy tell him how you feel.if he gets mad dont worry.if he doesnt respect you now then hell never respect you.put him in his place and please dont fall for the”please baby”or”just one time”.just wait till you get married for that touchy stuff.

Answer #4

I strongly diss agree with that firemanj. not all guys are like that just mostly the a$$ whols that werent taught how to treat a girl

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