my boobs are 2 big!

ok im 13 and my boobs are wayyy bigger than and e other girls I know my age. its kinda embarrising. how can I have smaller boobs or make them look smaller

Answer #1


Answer #2

lose weight

Answer #3

I have had the same problem since 7th grade.. by high school I was a f-cup and ended up in an M cup. I’m 34 M, NATURALLY. What can I say, its the spinach my Grandma made me eat. If you have this problem, the only place to buy bras is that I have found. They go up to size O-cup. Bras are about 60-75 bucks but its worth it. Never wear something too big or too small. It gets very uncomfortable. Also, wear underwire for the best lift. They give you a handy chart for fitting and were very prompt in answering my MANY questions. When I found a bra that FITS finally it was a wonderful sensation. The weight came off my back, and they also sell separate swimsuits for my size small butt and my 34M bust. But yes it is hard walking around because people stare and point and its rude. Especially in the supermarket, I just want to get tomatoes and leave, you pervs. I have grown my hair very long to cover them when I feel uncomfortable. Also, pea-coats look really good, and they hide them well. V-neck shirts look best and those shirts that hang a little in the bust look elegant. Nothing fits if it is princess waist or empire waist. Go with low-rise jeans to make your torso look longer, and the most important thing– FIND A BRA THAT FITS. I mean it. Make sure your bra TECHNICALLY fits you. Like, find the directions, and FOLLOW them. I’m SO glad I did. Good luck babe.

Answer #4

Hey I have the same problem and my advise is to wear a good bra and tuff it out and you shouldnt be embarrassed trust me the will probably get bigger sorry but its the truth and it sucks and just try to wear cloths that arnt tight

Answer #5

Im 13 and I’ve got 34 TRIPLE D…trust me your not alone. I get harassed by guys a lot and if girls ever dis me its about stuffing my bra…but hey if you think about it its actually REALLy funny! some people are just to stupid to realize theyre jealousy. Truth is there not to big because your bodys natural and all that etc. lol. But whatever, I was the same way last year and think of it this way, youre NOT the only girl who thinks theirs is too big ok?

Answer #6

For short-term solutions you could always wear loose shirts, or wear, as colethky mentioned, a bra that makes them seem smaller. Just look around and maybe you’ll find something that will help. Maybe check some online stores?

For long-term solutions when you’re older you could get breast deductions but the price would be exorbitant and insurance would not cover the price, unless the size of your breasts causes pain to your back. Even still this procedure would be expensive, and this could not be done until you are an adult; only if you’re still extremely unhappy someday.

Really, you should learn to accept yourself. No one should make fun of you, especially for something you can’t control. Children at thirteen are extremely immature and one day it probably won’t be an issue. If people tease you, just ignore them; even if it’s hard. (I’m not sure if you’re being teased or not) It may be hard to believe, but it doesn’t matter what other people may think about you. I’m sure no one really cares.

:) Good luck!

Answer #7

Ypu could wear a baggy shirt. Or anythig black, black looks slimming.

Answer #8

sports bra…its the best (and easiest) way I guess or you could wear huge sweaters all year round

Answer #9

Yeah like colethky says there are bras called minimizers and they will help them look smaller.

I had the same issue as you, some idiot made a comment and so I wore sweaters year round (I lived in Africa, everyone thought I was insane). Now I look back and the whole thing is ridiculous. Who cares what some idiotic, immature people think? Try not to let them influence the way you live your life, because in a couple of years you’ll probably never even see them again

Answer #10

wear like one of those really tight sports bras.. Dunno might work :S but who carees if they are 2 big? you should be proud of them lmao ! I got called flatt for a while so I started wearin padded bra’s,, dunno how thats gunna help but I just felt like sayin that. =] x

Answer #11

Some stores sell bras that minimize your chest, they normally take you down about a cup size.

Answer #12

s*it girl you will find out how lucky you be

Answer #13

hi, I also have a big bust and used to get teased by some idiots, but be prud of what you have as some women would pay thousands for a chest like yours. If it really gets you down its best to wear a good supportive bra that fits correctly, as this will make you look smaller while also making you look lighter in weight,(not saying that you need too) try to were v-neck tops that are one colour, nothing with big prints anything that is cross over like a cross over dress, top takes attention away from the bust, no stripes unless the colours are vurtually the same. High waisted trouser are a no, but be yourself walk tall and show off your curves. If you really hate it talk to your doctor and see what they suggest. xx

Answer #14

wearing a bra that fits correctly will help as it will make them look smaller, wear v-neck tops nothing high or patterns that will draw attention to you.

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