My boobs have been hurting...

for about a week now. They’ve been really sore and tender and everything. I don’t think it’s because of my period. Could I be pregnant? Could it be something else? I really don’t know :(

Answer #1

It’s probably due to your boobs growing…this could be because you are pregnant or you are just having a growth spurt or if you are taking birth control pills or having hormone replacement therapy, also it could be due to stress. Obviously pregnancy only applies if you’ve had sex and if it’s been over a week since (but usually breast pain only occurs about a month after). You can take a home pregnancy test (urine sample) 2weeks after conception to give a 90% accurate result if it’s negitive and positive results are almost definately correct. Or you could go to the doctor 1week after conception and have a blood test done which gives more accurate results. If it’s positive then there’s your answer. If you are over 25 then also get a breast cancer screeening as it could possibly be a sign of breast cancer but often you won’t actually get any pain, just a lump to start with. Also the most common group is women over 50 who have gone through menopause, so if you don’t have a family history of breast cancer, it is unlikely to be caused by breast cancer if you are under50. Hope this helps x

Answer #2

Sometimes boobs hurt because of your period,I know mine have hurt in the past too because of my period,I know my sisters had the same problem.doesn’t sound like your pregnant!

Answer #3

You could be pregnant It could be your period If you want to make sure see a doctor because it might be something different

Id get your breast checked for cancer while your at it.

Answer #4

hm. that is possible. go to a doctor, stat. mine hurt sometimes too, but not that bad, just like a dull pain for a bit.

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