my boobs are way too big HELP

im a size 34G (uk size) and I bloody hate it. I’ve been every frikin cup size and now im just sik of it. I cant wear clotes properly I look like an idiot because im so out of proportion. Its uncomfertable and I have to spent like £30 on a damn bra, yes just ONE bra thats like $65 dudes. thats too much, well in pounds anyways! and it takes the pis* because im always changing a little bit so im never just one size!!!

please help me someone!!!???

what do I do!!!

I’ve been thi size for almost 2-3 years now… (im 17)


Answer #1

minimizing bra? excersizes? breast reduction?


Answer #2

my boobs are big too… YOU GOT TO LOVE SPORTS BRAS! if your not the kind of girl who love to wear low shirts, sports bras are your new best friend! if you so like low shirts… well I have no idea.

Answer #3

im so sorry im 15 and am a 34d if you can I would suggest a breast reduction again im really sorry

Answer #4

Listen. I was a 36 D in the 8th grade. I am now 46 with a 38 DDD. I am now in the process of consulations for a reduction. While I was in my 20’s it wasn’t too difficult. Now that I am older I am paying for Mother Natures Great Gift. My shoulders hurt everyday, not only from the straps but mostly because of the weight. I am expecting to lose 30 pounds with my reduction surgery. Image 15 pounds hanging from each shoulder everyday? It has gotten to the point I don’t even like to look at myself anymore. Obviously gravity has not helped things especially after two childbirths too. It has become near impossible to even work out anymore which means that is causing other things to enlarge. It can be a vicious catch 22. As long as you are not hurting or feel like it may be effecting you socially hang in there but if the pain starts, do something about it right away. Be proactive for yourself if that day comes. I feel I have waited too long but look forward to celebrating the relief. It does you no good to look sexy if you don’t feel good.

Answer #5

I thank I can help you stop eating anything that has soy products in it. Becouse there is a cemecil in soybeans that makes your boobs big

ps.I am not weard I now that becouse I am 13 and have a size 38f size boobs and my docter told my to stop eating soy products also

Answer #6

I suggest speaking to your docter about getting a breast reduction done for health reasons…that’s a lot of stress on your back and shoulders…and for health reasons it can be done…see if your insurance covers it…

if not…invest in underwire bras and back braces…

I say try surgery first sweetie…

Answer #7

I wish I could help you but im in the same situation, so maybe dont feel so bad because by the looks of all your replys you are not alone,,

excersising is worth a try, jogging is xlnt and try not to eat too much chicken, chicken actually makes your boobs bigger!

Answer #8

I forgot to ask are you average or over weight cause if your over weight and you exercise and loose weight they will go down a size or few

Answer #9

heyy girl,

haha I love reading all these peoples responses. Some of them are really funny. There are tons of made up things they wrote. Honestly there is not a bloody thing you can do about it. It stinks, I know. Just make sure you r the right bra size and get comfy cup bras with support. Believe it or not, your not the only one with this problem. THe worst part is that when you have big boobs, they make you look fat when you wear a loose shirt, it stinks. What I do to avoid this, is I like always wear babydolls.

Answer #10

dude im a 40D an im 13 I had always had big boobs I remember in 4th grade I was prob a 36D something like that but ya I hate big boobs an I always wear sports bras!!! hahaha

Answer #11

im so sorry im 15 and am a 34d if you can I would suggest a breast reduction again im really sorry

Answer #12

ask your parent

Answer #13

Now that you are almost/or out of high school or the equivalant of that in UK…you can begin to ask yourself, how important is my breast size, cause it will cost several thousand quid to reduce them. Which means you’ll be making installments on that decision for a long time to come…so you need to be really committed and find a plastic surgeon that has a good reputation and one you can trust. With that in min d…go for it girl if you are determined enough.

Answer #14

Omg I no what you are feeling I am 12 and I have a 36dd only because I am talk tho I have no fat on me it was because I was drinking water and eating to much sweets my doctor told me I have every sore back shoulders and belly they are really to big they are still growing they are bigger by doing dance aswel as p.e in school bad mastake my mum has size 38gg omg she is in so much pain everyday shes pregnant so they are getting bigger

I hope this helped you so much and people say all of these comments are a lie but the one isnt !!!


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