my bestfriend

ok my best friend is going out wit this boy and he is a player and she knows that he is a player but she wants to go out wit him anyways but I dont want her to because I dont want her to get hurt and his best friend done told her that he is a player but no she just wants to go out wit him any way and all he want from her is what he cant get because he keep asking her these perverted question but I think she need to break up wit him becaus e like I said I dont want her to get hurt

Answer #1

I have told her that she doesnt need to go out wit him but she doesnt listen to me

Answer #2

have you told her exactually how you feel? maybe you should tell her that he is just using her I no it wil sound harsh but she deserves to hear it :) if you want more advice funmail me :)

Answer #3

its your job as a bestfriend to respect her decision to date him,, im going through the same thing my best friend doesnt like my boyfriend cause he’s hurt me to much, but if she wants to be with him let her be with him.

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