My "best-friend" and boyfriend go out now...

okay, me and this guy kevin started going out on halloween, things were going good but then something happened in my family and I kinda needed some space. we broke up and got back together about 2 weeks ago. I soon found out that my best friend liked him and was messin around with him, I was pissed and I went off on her, she said she was sorry. well I’ve been sick and missed 3 days of school, and I just found out that jessica [my suppost to be best friend] and kevin go out… I’m really hurt and upset. She’s post to be my best-friend and she told me that she wouldn’t do that to me, and Kevin doesn’t even have the balls to e-mail me or call me saying it’s over, I don’t know what to do…

Answer #1

hes not the one for you and your “best friend” isnt a true best friend then . try your best to get over it …

Answer #2

Well obviously what you need to do is forget about them both. Now you see how bad of a friend she was and how much your ex boyfriend liked or loved you. they both aren’t worth it so you need to move on.

Answer #3

OMGOSH! same thinq happened to me on Thanksqivinq! they we’re kissinq riqht infront of me! then they went inside and fuqked! after they we;re done && came outside {it wus a party} she left && he tried kissinq me I wus.. GET THA FUQK AWAY FROM ME! he even had tha balls to tell whats wronq!

if you want tew talk my myspace is..

Answer #4

thanks ya’ll. and then she just IMed me on myspace asking me if I was mad at her… ugh.

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