My 'best friend'

My ‘best friend’ always uses me then ditches me for other people, and the moment I don’t speak to her she comes running back to me. It has really gotten to the point now where I can’t deal with it anymore. I am tired of her ditching me… Any advice??

Answer #1

She doesn’t know what she wants. If this is not for you, then get a different girl. Sex has always meant more to me then the act, so I couldn’t handle this myself. If you like the casual part then take what you can get. But it sounds 2 painful to me.

Answer #2

Find a new best friend…she’s not it.

Answer #3

ditch her before she gets a chance to ditch you again! she’s obviously not worth it im sure your a nice person so u’ll be able 2 find a much better firend who will not use you and dich you fun mail me and tell me how it went gurd luk :D

Answer #4

Talk to her and tell her what you told us. and ditch her!

Answer #5

thats so rude! its happened to me SOOO many times and i realized to just let them be and im better then that crap.. you dont need people like that! find people that have never hurt you and that are trustworthy(:

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