My back is so tense...

My back has really been bothering me lately…I’m trying hard to not do anything that requires me to really lift or anything…but I don’t think this intense heat wave is helping me any…and I’m having a hard time sleeping too…

Any thoughts on how to get my back feeling better, and sleep to come easier?

I’m pretty much willing to do anything to feel better…my mood has been nothing but crabby and grumpy for the last week and I’m trying so hard not to be…it’s not like me to be this way…and no…it’s not pms…

Ugh. I just wish my back would stop hurting…

Answer #1

Our backs are constantly being pressured by gravity, walking, running, weight and etc… It is important to stretch and exercise so our backs can be strong enough to endure all of these tolls we put on them and be tired enough to sleep at night. I suggest you take it easy until you feel a bit better to maybe do some very basic and simple back exercises. remember to get a minimum of at least 6-8 hours of sleep each night because that is the time when we are relaxed and the pressure on the spine is released. that is why we are at our tallest height during the day and lose half an inch or so by evening because the discs are compressed. Your back pain should ease up but if you want immediate relief, see a chiropractor for an acupuncture or get them to fully use your spine in a way that will crack every part and make you feel so good =D I personally wouldn’t rely on them for long term though because you can improve your back without spending money by doing simple routine exercises.

Answer #2

forgot to add something for the first sentence, keep good posture to prevent back pain as well. once you log off you cant edit your messages?

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