My anoying mom

Ok…I have an anoying mom. she wont leave me alone. it started when she started talking to me like I was her bff or something, then when I started acting like I didnt really care when she would tell me off for doing something rong (mostly involving cleaning) she would go on about it for hours, and I just want her to shut the f*ck up! so now everytime she starts to say anything I say okkk. and she hits me and screams at me for being disrespectuful. why cant she just leave me alone! im antisocailable. I dont like to be around people. how can I tell my mom that somtimes I dont want to talk to her? please help…

Answer #1

No one deserves to be hit!!! Maybe your Mom needs some advice on parenting!! Try not to escalate the problem by cussing or yelling. Wait till she is in a good mood and try discussing it then! Maybe writing her a letter might help!!! You both need to look at the other persons point of view some this should help.

Answer #2

1 if shes hitting you u can report it to the cops 2 just say something really hurtfull to her once(really really really hurtfull) and hopefully she will be so hurt she wont want to talk to you for along time (it works really great on anyone any age by my exspierence), and if that doest work then theres 2 other optoin 1 try keep talking after shes done and she’ll get bored and its reversesycaligy 2 just find a hang out buy an mp3 player and go there right after you get home so your never around her

Answer #3

tell her that. say mom, sometimes, I just dont feel like talking. but when I do- I’ll let you know. and do it. dont be rude to her. she’s your mother, and im sure she does a lot for you. and what does she want in return, a little communication. I know, mom’s are annoying, my mom always asks me about my friends and stuff. it get’s old, but let it go a little. it’s life.

Answer #4

Well obviously your really making her mad if she resorts to hitting you - sometimes kids don’t realize their wrong and think their parent is hitting them for just no reason. You need to accept your role in this problem and do something about it. If you cant talk like an adult to your mom then shes not going to listen to you. Cussing definitly doesn’t help at all - if you be mature, I’m sure she’ll be mature in return. There are lots of kids out there that don’t have a mom in their life, consider yourself lucky.

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