Mr. Forgetful

I’m starting to see this guy I like and im pretty sure he likes me back. I asked him if he wanted to hang out today and he said he had to work but he might be able to on his break. I told him to txt me on his break and maybe it will work; however, he is very forgetful. (he is 19 going on 8.) if I don’t remind him of something a few hours in advance, most of the time it will slip his mind. he even forgets that he is going on vacation sometimes and will try to make plans for that week. should I send him a casual txt about something to help him remember or just leave it be and see what he does?

Answer #1

Hhhmm this is tough but if he really wants to hang out he will text you or contact u. I think the him forgeting is just an excuse. I would wait untill he calls. why would you want someone that will be forgeting everything. what if you to become a couple and he forgets he has a girlfriend

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