Moving out at 17

I am 16 right now and I live in maryland. I make a lot of money because I model. sometimes I get paid 2,000 a day. I also have another job. I think I have enouhg money to support myself. I would really like to get out on my own because im constantly fighting with my parents and I think our relationship would be better if I didn’t live with them. so could somebody please tell me if this is legal to move out at 17 and if so could I get some advice on how to do so???

Answer #1

not exactly legal but you wont get in trouble your parents will. secondly no matter how much you get paid its always better to live for free I would advise to milk that as long as possible and save your money and go away to college and live on campus.its only a year away you can still keep your job college will give you a fall back cause noone is pretty forever and ull save money enough to buy a car or go on vacation or whatever you want.and you can keep saving if your parents pay for school so you can save up an extra 4 years graduate buy a house and your modelingshould be at the peak of your career so ull be making more money and when your too old to model(30s 40s) ull be able to use your degree to continue making a good living and start a new career

Answer #2

I know that you cant own a house at 17,, unless your parents co-sign,, that is in most states!! sry I dont know more info!

Answer #3

I know its legal in louisiana with paraents consent and romro was 17 when he got his house and moved. But I wouldnt know how to do so.

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