Moving Out

Can a 13 year old move out of her father’s home? I think someone said I had to come up with $100 to file something in Michigan court and that the judge would listen to me and hopefully let me move in with my grandma. My dad doesn’t understand my sister and I and he never gets us birthday gifts, won’t follow thru with what a Dr. has said needs to be done, only spends about $100 for school clothes in the fall. I mostly get my sister’s hand me downs. He screams at us all the time and keeps any extra money for his habit of smoking pot. Please tell me what I can do to get out of this situation.

Answer #1

U can get a devorce from him. First you have to talk to a teach or someone older who can report him. If you do go to court let them now what’s the problem. Also let the adult and the judge now that he smokes pot. That makes him a unfit parent. And tell them you just want to live wit your grandma. That makes it easy to move u!!

Answer #2

no , your parents are still your legal guardieans ( cant spell :( ) until you are 16 so until then its his choice where you live

Answer #3

I would just leave and go and then when your dad says someonething tell him why you left and then maybe he will changw (why dont you go with your mom then he cant say anyhtin)

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