Moving on?

So last year my crush and me got really close. On our end of the year trip, we hung out the whole day. He flirted with me constantly. He gave me his cell phone number. He had me take a picture of him on my cell, and set it as my cell’s back round screen. He called me a lot, and we texted a bunch. Everyone thought he liked me. But then in the summer, he never called, never texted me back when I texted him. He just completely ignored me. When we came back to school the next year, everything was a little different for awhile, but it started becoming like the end of the year again, and I decided to tell him that I liked him. Turned out he didn’t like me that way. It was awkward for a couple weeks after that, and now he is talking to me all the time and flirting with me more. Is he trying to confuse me??? What should I do???

Answer #1

well I think that you should just ask him “straight forward” about the whole situation, because if he’s just “fooling around” , it’s not really fair to u. =]]

Answer #2

maybe you should think about just asking him. it may seem awkward to ask but isn’t it even more awkward being with him and not knowing? hope I helped :] funmail me to tell me how it goes

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