Don't want to hear about my Mom having sex

This may sound selfish but im really grossed out…My mom meant this guy like 3 months ago and there married…she has sex like every night its really disgusting shes always buying birth control I dont want to hear stuff like “let them be there happy” and stuff like that because I cant do that and I have already tried talking to her she takes me as a joke and brings up how she had sex with other guys…im pretty sure my mom is a sex addict…im really sad over this it really grosses me out…

Answer #1

OMG! DUDE!!! tell her it’s not a joke, and it’s a serious matter. And talk to her about it. This is my opinion: 3 Months is NOT!!! a long enough time for somebody to get to know each other enough to get married!!! And it kinda seems like she married him just for sex… I really think you should talk to her about this and please, for me, tell her that you are worried and this is really a saddening subject for you and you really want to talk to her about this, especially that you are trying to be serious w/ her. It seems like you are really saddened by by this if you want to talk to someone about this you can SOOO totally FunMail me!!! I would love to help you out w/ this. LOVE!!! .:!~!SHANNARA!~!:.

Answer #2

avoid the topic. I hate hearing my parents have sex and it makes me cringe. Try loud music. Or banging pots. or walking around the house late at night so they cant lol. I don’t know.

Answer #3

Also you should really talk to a school counselor or something. So that they can talk to the parent as a grown-up sooo that you are not embarresed to talk to her about it.

Answer #4

Well, for one, stop listening to her having sex, go out or buy some ear plugs or something if you’re uncomfortable.

Secondly, your mom can do whatever she wants, and she can have a healthy sex life if she wants. I guess she didn’t prepare you to this enough but she’s expecting you to be grown up about sex and sex issues now. And I think you should grow up too, and I don’t mean this in a mean way, it’s just that some kids have to grow up a little faster than others due to many factors, including new situations in the household.

I know it’s not fair sometimes, and your mom should be less tacky about the situation, but hey life’s like that and you got to roll with the punches.

p/s: As time goes by you will probably find that they will have less frequent sex if they start to bore each other out, but it’s new and exciting right now.

Answer #5

It’s never easy to think about your mom (or dad) having sex. But, you got to let them live their life, even if it does repulse you. Sometime when it’s just you and your mother tell her that while you are happy for her it is uncomfortable for you to hear about her sex life. If she won’t stop (which hopefully she will) then all you can do is ignore her. I hope things work out for you, I do know what it’s like to be grossed out about your parent’s sex life. I walked in on my mom and dad when I was 17…in the middle of the day…on a Saturday…when my brothers and I were all home…talk about an ad for birth control. That haunted me for years.

Good luck

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