Morning-After-Pill Help?

For the past 2 months, I’ve had my period on the 10th and then last month (August) on the 14th. So this will most likely be the regular time I have my period. Anyways.

My boyfriend and I were “dry-humping” and he had boxers on and underwear and I didn’t have anything on. I noticed quite a few wet spots on his pants (pre-cum) and I am on birth control but have taken 3 pills late. One pill at the beginning of the month, one in the middle and one the day before we “dry-humped”. I was worried about being pregnant so I bought Plan B and took the first dose. I have 4 hormone pills left and then there are 5 placebos, obviously indicating my period. When I start my period after taking my second dose (Whenever that may be) What do I do about my birth control if I don’t start on the green pills? Do I just throw away the pack and start on the Sunday after I start my period? And do I take my birth control pills regularly?

Answer #1

ALWAYS take your bc regularly! you know what will help you remember? a CRYING BABY in your arms! LOL even if you do take the plan b pill, still continue your birth control! type in the name of your birth control and Google it, then read the instructions (there will be some on the website) on what to do if you miss pills, k?

Answer #2

I had a morning after pill and I came on my period early. Normally come on the 11th of every month. But I took the pill on 17th and come on 26th 2 weeks early. What does that mean?

Answer #3

I believe you take your birth control regularly but you should contact your doctor to confirm that - we aren’t professionals and don’t know your body so they are probley your best resort.

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