More than friends..

So me and this guy used to be going out not long ago but we broke up because we didnt have feelings for each other..we really like hanging out and everything and we want our feelings to grow towards each other but we have no idea how to do that..any suggestions?? anything will really help

Answer #1

maybe you two should just be friends and see what happens. sometimes particular guys work as friends while others are better for being in a relationship with. as you mature, you will begin to distinguish the difference better.

Answer #2

Haha, If you don’t have feelings of each other, you’d better to forget all things, then try to find the better man to take care you.

Answer #3

Continue to hang out and let your feelings develop naturally. Being Friends 1st is a very good start to learn a person. You can also pay attention to different signs that you like or don’t like. Let your friendship grow strong and then talk about your next step. Good Luck!!

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