More on that daft boy again

Hi, it’s me AGAIN, replying to answers I got, there is one snag…this guy HATES talking about our relationship, so I have to wait tilll the next skl disco to find out! Example: he asked me to slow dance FOUR times in a row. Honestly. I am SO confused. DOES HE LIKE ME OR NOT?? Why does he ignore me?

Answer #1

Friends should be able to talk to one another…my suggestion is ASK HIM why hes nice to one minute, and mean to you the next. Its the only way your going to hopefully get the answer your looking for.

Answer #2

no., we’re not going out, just he is a very good friends and its confusing me why he’s being so cruel to me…

Answer #3

He hates talking about your relationship? Are you two dating?

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