Answer #1

It’s a seasonal shift in the normal wind direction, that usually causes changes in the weather.

Answer #2

seasonal changes in atmospheric circulation and precipitation associated with the asymmetric heating of land and sea

Answer #3

I associate the term “ Monsoon “ specifically with a period of very heavy rainfall. .

– Best wishes - Majikthise. .

Answer #4

To put it simple, A Monsoon is a period where rain falls constantly for long periods and is caused by changes in the atmosphere. Although it happens all over the world, it is best known in India and Africa where rain falls after having experience no rain for sometimes months. This usually marks the start of what we know as the “hurricane season”. Over land its rain and flood with strong breeze but when it moves over the water and heads to the west it usually develops into Tropical Waves, Tropical Storms and then Hurricanes.

Answer #5
  1. A period of continuous rainfall.
  2. The last name of Jennifer Sunders’ character on ‘Absolutely Fabulous’ (Edwina Monsoon).
Answer #6


Answer #7

An amazing song.

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