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how do i get out of my moms house? :(
How? Or wat should i do im 15 and im 3minths pregnant with my bf and my mom keeps telling me that she was gonna put a restriction order to my bf and his parents and its hard for me my mom needs to understand that i need to live with my bf cause im having his babby. Like his mom gonna help me raise this baby and support me and my baby so is my bf? And look here my mom told me i can’t live with them i like why its better and safer for me there gonna take me to my appointments and help me with a lot i dont see my mom doing anything for me or helping me she doesn’t do shyt i need help do i have rights to move out with my bf
Im not really sure about the laws in your state. But have you talked to your mom and asked her to take you to the doctor appointments? You need to sit down and talk with her. Of course she doesn’t want you to leave home at 15, you’re her baby girl, she doesn’t want to see you leave.
Check your state laws - most states require you to be 16 for an emancipation but some set the bar at 14.
If you can’t go through for emancipation, call child welfare and explain the situation to them. If your mother won’t take you to your appointments, she is denying health care to, not one, but ,two minors.
What your mother doesn’t realize is that your boyfriend’s family does have rights to the child and your mother has no legal backing to deny them access to their child/grandchild.
Your mother has absolutely no right to tell you what you can or can’t do with your child. You may be her child, but that baby is yours - not hers - and you call the shots. The only way your mother can change that is to file for custody in family court.
It might be a good idea to tell your boyfriend to get his family to take your mother to family court to make sure they retain legal recourse if your mother should try to deny them access.
Well like the other said I don’t know the law in your state, but when I got pregnant I was 14. & in California when your pregnant I was considered an adult and emancipated thought laws can be different. Talk to your doctor and she/he should be able to tell you.
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