moms boyfriend

my mom is in a relationship with someone im not allowed to be around and I want go home what do I do? please help me!

Answer #1

Do you mean to say that you are not allowed in your own home when he is there? How long does he stay and how long have you been somewhere else? How long has she been seeing this guy? So your have or are you in a safe environment? I would agree with the 1st post above, if this has been going on for awhile and you have had periods where you have had to find someplace to stay at the last minute and have been in an unsafe environment you definitely need to speak to your counselor at school or someone you are close to. If this continues or has been going on for awhile it could be considered neglect by the authorities. Speak up and tell your mom 1st and see what she says and if she is not responsive then talk with your counselor. Good luck to you dear, and I hope you are safe!!

Answer #2

That is a little bit odd… I would be concerned about the types of men your mom dates that she doesn’t want them to come in contact with you. Whether its because she wants privacy, or its for your own safety or that your mom simply doesn’t want the men she sees to know that she has a kid (sorry, but it happens), it is your mom’s job to care for you and provide you with a home to the best of her ability. I would suggest talking to her about it, and suggesting that maybe when she doesn’t want you home she can provide you with a place to stay, or she can be the one that leaves for a while. If you suspect anything dangerous, of she continues to neglect you, I would talk top a professional or a school counsellor about it. This could potentially turn into a very bad situation and it concerns me a little. They are experienced friendly people and are even better than this website for advice!

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