Why is my mom holding me back?

My parents divorced when I was 2 & My older sister was 9 I think it might have affected her in someway more then me because I was so little I don’t even remember much of it! Growing up my sister went through the rebel phase almost every teen goes through you know? shes done pretty much anything you can think of! (like running away with boys, being locked up in juvenile detention, getting pregnant early etc.) I’ve always been there for my mom & sister throughout it all because I’ve always been the one to create peace between them other then my grams

I’ve always been the “good” kid I’ve never really gotten into trouble I’ve kept my grades up etc. etc. I’ve done nothing to lose her trust but it seems like my mom doesn’t trust me at all! whenever I’ve tried to ask her if I can hang out with my friends she comes up with a stupid excuse that “you’re too young” (that’s the one shes been using for YEARS!!!!!) or “I don’t trust them” or “I’ll have to come with you” or something crazy like that My mom has met my friends before & shes never mentioned that she doesn’t like them or anything shes taken me away from them & put me in home school to keep me away from them etc. etc. I’ve tried talking to her so I understand where shes coming from with these trust issues but she always blows up at me getting mad or she uses the excuses above or something like that I think shes thinking I’ll end up like my sister if she lets me hang out or just be Independent! shes always saying I need to be less shy & more independent but she doesn’t let me do anything that involves being Independent!

I really don’t understand how to get through to her & if we don’t make a break through soon then I think we will never have a mother daughter relationship again because our relationship is pretty nonexistent now I’m sick of dealing with this being stuck in the house 24/7 with nothing to do but study etc. all day! I’ve been really thinking about moving away forever when I turn 18 & never talking to her again…. I’m so depressed all the time especially when my grams passed away she was the only one that understood me & helped keep the peace between me & my mom & help us better understand each other when it came to things like this but now my mom is like its either her way or the highway doesn’t matter if it makes no sense at all! shes not even trying to comprise anywhere not even a little!

Answer #1

ok she thinks your thinking that you will turn out like your sister and she needs to keep you home to stop all that happening. this is a typical parent reaction to one child misbehaving. what you need to do is tell her that you are your own person and you will only be gone for an hour (slowly build the time up from that).

Answer #2

I’ve tried asking her many times before if I can just go to the movies with my friends or go out to eat & come back home but she just says no every time! like a few months ago I tried to ask her again if I can go to the movies with my friends & shes like “maybe I’ll think about it” & she never gave me a answer or anything after that the movie is out on DVD now XD so I missed the chance to go see it! ._.

Answer #3

First, print out this question and show it to your mom. It will give her a very clear understanding of your perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and desires.

Then ask her to sit with you and negotiate a time-table of ordered and conditional steps by which she can expand your range of independence and responsibility. The steps need to be 1) cautious and gradual enough to reassure her, while your actions help her build up her trust in you, and 2) predictable and steady enough for you to be patiently confident in her growing trust and your growing freedom.

“Mom, what would have to happen for you to have enough confidence in me to let me go out with my friends, preferably sometime before I turn 30?” (Use a little humor!)

Answer #4

why don’t you invite friends over and watch a DVD with them (show your mom there nice, responsible people)???

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