Is it good to be modest?

Just curiosity well i try to be modest but if i say im modest that wouldnt be so modest i think. Tellme what you think?

Answer #1

To a degree. Modesty is best served with no intentions. What that basically means is that, if you are truly modest, you don’t have to prove it … it’s those who feign modesty that fail at it.

Answer #2


Answer #3

Not necessarily. It isn’t in one’s best interest to be humble or modest in a job interview. I’m good at what I do for a living; better than most people. In pretty much any group I work with I’m the alpha nerd. Thinking highly of your abilities isn’t bad if you have the skill to back it up. Being boastful and not delivering the goods is a recipe for disaster though. Everyone likes to see blowhards fail so don’t overestimate your abilities. If you are good at something it is good to be confident though.

Answer #4

which sense of the word? modest can mean not being egotistical, and it can also mean dressing in a non- slutty fashion.

Answer #5

Yes, I find modesty to be attractive as long as you’re not saying I’m ugly, or I’m stupid. Now that’s just annoying.

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