models measurements

what are the measurements for a model?

Answer #1

Physically, what do you need to be a female model? Well, if you are less than 5ft9, then you will find it very hard to get fashion modelling as all the clothes will be designed for those that are taller. You also need to be slim at least in the mainstream market, though some do look for larger models these days also you need to be in proportion throughout your body and have what is termed ‘good bone structure’ though this is subjective.

Agencies often look for those with somehow distinctive features in their models, so as to isolate them from the mainstream good looking girl and to create someone who is instantly recognizable, but for all the right reasons. Again, some of these factors are very subjective like you need to be thick skinned and wanting to enter one of the most superficial industries there are.

I have recently joind diesel models

I am only 5”2 and 14 years old x But they are really supportive and hook you up with an agency after a photot shoot for your port folio


Answer #2

about a size 10?? and quite tall?? I dunno really soz

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