
ok well this is like really weird for me to ask but I’m gunna ok well anyways I had my period in january and february but I missed it in march…starting in October of 2008 it was all like every other month…I m NOT pregnet well I can’t b lol I never did anything so why would I miss it??? I first got of in like 2006 so like what should I do if I have it then miss it??? should tell my mom or let it alone?

Answer #1

really its nothing if it was more then 3 months then that means you need to go to the doctor it might not be serious but better safe than sorry

Answer #2

I don’t talk I my mom about that stuff it just feels weird…how should I tell her??

Answer #3

u shuldnt really worry about it kuz your period is just trying to get into your cycle and is not used to your body yet but if it happen for a while or you not sure den you shuld c a doctor

Answer #4

I always had an irregular period with young teens it normal. If you go to your mom and she takes you to a doctor they will probably put you on the pill. Not for birth control but the hormones in it will help to regulate you period. I was on it when I was 11 because I had cyst on my ovaries and that is what caused my period to be irregular. But if you had cysts you would be in horrible pain I passed out one time because of it. It could just be jumps in your hormones that makes your ovulation off.

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