Should all military veterans be treated equal regardless of time in service, location of duty station, and deployed or not?

I have received a lot of greif on the fact that I was never actually deployed over seas, and the fact that I was only in for 2 years. What is your opinion?

Answer #1

I believe that any one who chooses to serve our country deserves some type of respect regardless of if they served over seas or how long they served. Of course i would admire a man or woman more who actually faught, went over seas, spent decades serving, or was wounded - but that doesnt mean i wouldnt respect the ones who didnt. I certainly appreciate everyone who chooses to serve so that i dont have tooo.

Answer #2

I was getting ready to deploy when I got injured doing combatives training. My a.c.l. Was completely severed and meniscus torn in half. All in my left knee. Got an honorable medical discharge and other veterans look down on me.

Answer #3

You went in the military with the intentions of fighting for your country. You shouldn’t be looked down upon. You weren’t dishonorably discharged. My ex’s buddy went to Iraq, came back unharmed and fell out of his 3 story window a while later and was also medically discharged. He and you should still be respected the same way as the others.

Answer #4

Thank you. I look at it with this analogy. I wrote a blank check to the government payable up to an including my life. It just worked out that they didn’t use my “check” as mush as others. Just bothers me when people get disgusted that part of their tax dollars is paying me a disability check for life. I just tell them that they can sign up and get those benefits if they wanted.

Answer #5

Your service was Honorable. Anyone who signs a paper giving up everything up to aand including his life, deserves recognition for that. Having said that, someone who has served in a line unit in actual combat or a Disabled Vet such as myself, has left something on that battlefield that we may never get back. Even a Military man with no trigger time should understand that brother. :)

Answer #6

I have no problem with that, just don’t like being frowned upon. Ps. Thanks for your service. Hooah!

Answer #7

What is your MOS? With the high tempo the last dew years, your unit Didnt get called up? That Sucks. I know you would have liked to get over to the sandbox. LOL. Hooah!

Answer #8

I was a 31 bravo, military police. My unit did get called up, but I got injured like a week or two before deployment. I was devastated.

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