miley cyrus !!! xxx

who hates miley cyrus I just wanna know because I dont hate her ???

Answer #1

I can’t stand her/Miley Cyrus or anyone else like that Disney type stuff - The Jonas Brothers, Highschool Musical, etc….

Answer #2

I love her :]

Answer #3

I hate her. :P

Answer #4

I love her.. shes the besttt :)

Answer #5

I like miley cyrus but I dont like hannah montannah

Answer #6

detest her =] haha

Answer #7

I don’t hate her but I dis like her

Answer #8

I don’t hate her :) When I found out how she felt about Vanity Fair pics and everything she’s really not a bad person.

Answer #9

I love her she is the best female singer in the world

Answer #10

I do not hate her, but she has a movie coming out soon The Last Song

Answer #11

I hate that b*cth

Answer #12

I HATE miley, she is a stripper

Answer #13

She could die and it would not effect me in the slightest way. I hated her before but now I’ve seen my boyfriend going GAGA over her in the mall…SO I H8 HER WITH A BLOODY FREAKING PASSIONNN!!! sorrry teee heee

Answer #14

I like her but I think she’s not making right choices lately with the pictures that she has kind of teasing with her shirt half up. I know it’s part of growing up you do things you’ll later regret. She needs to wake up some. I like her anyway.

Mama K

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