Me & This guy on Msn

Okay me and this guy on msn have got really close, and he lives in my town.. butt, I told him a lie about my age ;/ and im afraid that if I tell him the truth he’ll delete me and never talk to me again :( wot do I do, because iwana meet him one day, me and him have became really good friends butt,,, I’ve lied and im so afraid of hurting him

Answer #1

just tell him the truth. it’ll be worse if you guys meet up and he realizes it or you tell him and he just leaves, right? so just tell him the truth over msn. if he freaks out and never talks to you again then he really doesn’t care or like you that much, or just wants you for sex if the situation is that your underage. its better to get rejected over msn then in person.

Answer #2

Meh I’ve just told him.. and hes okay about it, but hes also not okay, the fact that I lied.. but meh ;/ I quite like him and wouldnt mind meetin him in real life, but now I he knows my ages I dont think he would because what 24 yr old would want to meet a 15 yr old :S/… but hes really nice.. before, and it didnt seem like he’d use me :(

Answer #3

Well, hes too old for you, and he would be smart to jsut keep his distance.

Answer #4

o well theres other fish in the sea but just think if he wasnt 24 mayb over 68!?

Answer #5

no I saw him on camm lol

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