Me and my girlfriend

weve been dating for 10 months now. we used to do things (not sex tho) but weve totally stopped all sexuality in our relationship and im getting bored when im not with her. plus I only see her maybe 3x a month because she always works all week in the day and I work some nights and her dad wont let her out at night. anything we can do to keep it interesting because im getting bored

Answer #1

If being sexual is the only thing that keeps you from being bored, then you the relationship isnt going to last. Sex (and yes oral IS a form of sex) should be the LAST part in any young relationship! If you cant just enjoy her company when you finally do get to be with her, then you are going to have problems keeping a relationship going.

Answer #2

make sure you guys are always flirting with each other still & always have a good time when you’re together. relationships are always exciting and on the edge when you are both scared to lose each other & want to do a lot for each other. be very spontaneous. maybe you aren’t meant to be in a relationship with her but try to work things out before you give up.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice