Me and my Feeance`e are ready... BABY?

We want to start trying to have kid and I am haveing some difficulties with my weight I am 19 pounds over weight which is throwing my period off so my doctor said loose the 19 gain a child so now I am on track and eating healthy no junk food just healthy food and my period is back on track and I want to start trying again but I am on birth control to regulate menstual cycles and he said hopefuly once you are ready for kids then you should be able to have them but I am ready for kid and we are ready for this next step and please dont leave me things that say get married first because I hear it all the time but we feel that we are ready and thats all I can say. So can comeone tell me how I can get pregnant and stay on the birth control(My mom got prego with me and my brother useing birth control) and still main tain a healthy diet and without takeing and kind of mediceins or vitemensPLEASE?

Answer #1

And you should go to your doctor about nutrition. Getting proper nutrition as a fetus will effect your child for the rest of his life. If he develops properly(of which nutrition plays a big part), he can avoid a number of immediate, short-term, and long-term complications in life. Not to mention it will effect his IQ.

Answer #2

I don’t recommend actually trying to get pregnant WHILE on birth control - it’s not safe for the baby.

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