Me and my ex

Me and my ex dated for a little over a year.We still love each other and we still talk.He has a girlfriend but he tells me he loves me all the time.I’m starting to talk to my friend who use to like me.I still like my ex but I also like my friend.Me and my ex plan on going back together later but right now i want date my friend.What should i do?

Answer #1

Hi this always seem to happen to me, with me and my ex’s. Well theres alot of options you have. First it depends on why you’s broke up. If you’s broke up over something little (example: wanting some time alone or got tired of each other) and if you still love him, you should go back out with him. Because you NEVER want to lose the one you love, especially to someone else, now i wouldnt like my ex talking to me when he haves a gf because i dont want him doing that to me when he hooks up with me so think about that too. now dating your friend might put you at risk for loving and going back out with your ex, because since your going with someone your ex is gonna think that you really dont like him and might stop him from talking to you. and think about if dating your friend is gonna mess up your relationship, as a friend between you and him. Also think about who do you think is going to treat you the best, and love and respect you back.

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