me and my

I’m 14 my boyfriend is 16 I’m stiil a virgin but he’s not(only did it once)but I want to lose it to him cause I really like(love) him but I don’t know if he wants to and if he does I don’t know what hints he would give

Answer #1

ughhh;; I had sex for the first time with a guy I’ve bean dating for along timeee. im your age too. and sex wasnt the best choicee. but it wasnt the worse.

just make sure he really like u. and PROTECTIONN.! lol

good luckx.

Answer #2

you should wait a little bit your a little young to know what love is and a little young for sex

Answer #3

You shouldn’t be losing your virginity at that age!! Thats disgusting!! Give it time. Trust me!!

Answer #4

You need to talk about it with him, nobody can really stop you (besides him obv) if its what you really wanna do

Just talk about it, tell him if you’re nervous, if he doesnt understand of laughs at you, walk away, he’s clearly not the boy you thought he was

Just remember protection…and if anything goes wrong with it, get PLANB morning after pill within 24 hours, although you can use it up to 72 hours later, the quicker the better.

maybe this helped

Answer #5

Sure lose it to him. Just wait two years.

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