me and him

ok so theres this guy I like him and my guy friend has been asking him stuff like do you like jade or isnt she hot and he does like me but hes poular and im kinda hated by most of his friends im kinda scared if I go out with him I know its ganna lead to somthing like sex and im ok with that its just im still a virgin and he isnt so I dont want to like bleed or somthing what should I do

Answer #1

Um if you both like eachother F*CK the friends. If your ready and want sex then just go for it, everyones a virgin at one point right? You dont always bleed and it doesnt always hurt. Everyones different. Just tell him to be nice cause its your first time. But how do you even know its going to lead to sex when your not even going out? If your really that worried about it then why not “pop your own cherry’? If you need any more help or I didnt anwer all your questions you can Fun Mail me.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice