What are the chances of me being pregnant?

okaay im on birth control but I missed one day and that same night I had unprotected sex and he came inside me..what are the chances of me being pregnant?

Answer #1

Try not to worry as this could make your period late. It is easier said than done I know though. You followed the correct protocol so will hopefully be fine (I always have been for 3 years, and have probably had this situation 2 or 3 times before with my boyfriend). Just remember next time to use extra protection for 7 days. The first and last few pills of the packet are also the most risky to miss by the way, so just bear that in mind, by mid pill cycle the hormones have built up slightly better and so a slight decrease by forgetting a pill is generally not enough to affect it and make you release an egg (what the pill stops you doing, so you can’t get pregnant).

Take a test if you are late, but give it a few days and try not to stress. If a test is negative but your period does not arrive then you should start taking the pill again as usual, so you are still protected in the meantime, and then restest after a week or two. If it turns out you are pregnant then stop taking the pill immediately and go to the doctor. Good luck.

Answer #2

Odds arent very high, however just to let you know you could still have a period and then find out next month that you don’t…you wouldn’t probably miss a period that soon. To make you feel better since you’re so close to starting your period, your ovulation faze is probably over…and although theres a chance to get preg anytime of the month your chances are a lot higher 14 days after your last period…

Answer #3

birth control is not 100% preventable, so there is a chance always.

Answer #4

no form of birth control or conrtracpetion is 100% effective so any time you have sex, theres a chance of pregnancy obvously protecetion makes it a much less chance but if you dont take birth control correctly, like miss a pill, theres a chance of getting pregnant and you would have needed to use contraception for the following week to lessen the chance of pregnancy to find out if your pregnant take a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after you had sex (any sooner and the results won’t be accurate) in the morning with your first pee is the best time and take it when your period is due alternatively, see a doctor for a blood test this will both let you find out quicker and give you more accurate results

Answer #5

Did you take the pill straight away the next day when you realise you had missed it? That is what should always be done in these circumstances.

Generally one day is fine, and I have done this before by accident, but if you want to be extra careful (advisable, of course) then use another form of protection (a condom generally, or any barrier method) for the next 7 days after missing a pill.

Phoning your doctor and double checking would be the most advisable thing to do. If you are worried and it is still within 72 hours of you having sex then you could also get the Morning After Pill or Plan B, as it is also known, from some chemists and from your doctor. This will prevent pregnancy, but needs to be taken asap to have the best chance of working.

Answer #6

yeaa I took 2 the next day..the one I was suppose to take the day before and the one I needed to take for that day..im just worried since he came inside of me it makes things even worseee

Answer #7

thank youuu, im suppose to get my period in a few days soo im hoping I get it, if not then I know im pregnant, ughh just worried.

Answer #8

Odds are not very high.

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