
I need help. im 14 year old female I’ve never masturbated before and I dont know what its like or what to do..?? I dont want to buy a lube either because I dont want my parents to find out. also can I use my finger while doing this? HELP PLEASE..

Answer #1

this is disgusting and so wrong! OMG what is wrong with you people!

Answer #2

electric toothbrush, i highly recomend it! :] email me!

Answer #3

well im 15 and all i do is sit on my body pillow and then pretend that im having sex! im not sure if i orgasim but it satifies me!!

Answer #4

you dont really have to stick anything inside. just rub around the clit with your fingers.. with a little lubricant or it can hurt a bit. like the bit about the electric tooth brush like i said doesnt have to go in. but it on the clit and that should do the trick. your still young and you might still wanna be nice and small! gud luck!

Answer #5

just rub ur clt while lying nk*d on ur bed close ur door but dont lock it the risk of sumone walking in will make it more exciting and u will cumm!!

Answer #6

if your 14yrs old you shouldent be masturbating, but i guess is your deal, well all the advise i can give you is to just give your self time to think is ‘’is this what i really want to do?’’you have yor whole life to do all those things but right now your a bit too young.

Answer #7

aww hunny yes you can use your finger, i dont know if everyones like this but i just rub my one finger on my clit(top part of vagina) really fast and you will build up and hopefully have an orgasem..

Answer #8

corina22, you are very wrong and shouldn’t make the girl feel guity for no reason. There is no “right age” for masturbation, it’s natural and private and as long as she keeps it private, she can start doing it whenever she wants and do it as often as she wants. This is not a taboo anymore - which century are you living in? rogue_girl, check out - it has a lot of helpful information. And have fun! :)

Btw. coltzfan7898, didn’t I see a similar message by you somewhere? Go get a life.

Answer #9

thankyou everyone for your help

Answer #10

corina22, you seriously think that 14 year olds shouldn’t masturbate? Dude, it’s whenever you hit puberty and feel that urge. I’m 14 and I masturbate. it’s completly healthy. There is no set age to start. Some people do, and some don’t. I used to think it was really weird, but now I love it.

Answer #11

corina 22 shut the fuck up! look i can surely tell you masterbation is not wrong, i mean would u rather masterbate or go sleep around,ahh see,look ons pecial things needed but the very things ur body posses, and every girl likes it a different way unless ur seeking a g-spot orgasm and my advice for that is. start by plying with urself aroudn ur clit which is between the lips of ur pussy, now,once u get all wet start with 1 finger in and out and rubbing around til u get nice and wet and if u can stick 2 finger in or one,once u stick them all the way in bend them up and move them into like a come hither type thing as if u were telling somone to come here, now if u are able to get 2 in bend tghem then move both fingers oppsite of the other like there legs and ur kicking them then back off and go in and out of ur vagina for about 10 times,then back to the bending fingers and stuff after a good 5 minuites or more u should feel the urge to pee. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PEE! the sensation wqill leave after about 30 seconds then ur ready to orgasm keep doing it faster harder,then you should climax and it should feel and make u shake incredibly keep doing it til u wear urself down, but as of right now jsut get to know ur body girl peace out!

Answer #12

Masturbation is a very tough subject. Clearly you dont feel shy about it though so that is the first hurdle out of the way. It is very common for women to Masturbate regularly, so you mustn’t feel awkward about it. Firstly, you should not need to buy a lube. You will find that when you are sexually aroused your body will create its own natural lubricant from your vagina, which will provide you with more that enough lubrication. For the most part I suspect that your masturbation will center around your clitoris anyway. My advice is to gently experiment, get to know your own body and what feels good.

Let me know if you need any further help.


Answer #13

awww yea rode thats exactly wat i do and i luv it lolz

Answer #14

awww yea rode thats exactly wat i do and i luv it lolz

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