
I am a 13 year old boy and I need tips on how to masterbait. I am a boy. please dont take as pvrted. thnx

Answer #1

go to redtube or clearclips .com they help im a 15 year old boy.. it has woked since I was 13!!!

Answer #2

when you get an erection (your penis gets hard) grab it in your hand and pull the skin forward untill it starts to fold up at the base of the head. and go back. Keep doing it the faster you move your hand the faster it will feel better. it should take 5 min tops for your first time

Answer #3

hey man don’t strt masterbating, because l8r its gona be kinda hard to stop:P beter to just not strt yet strt mybe next year or so

Answer #4

i used stuffed animals whn i was littler

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