What could be making me feel dizzy and faint all of a sudden this morning at 13 weeks pregnant?

I havent taken my prenatals this morning yet, so i know thats not it. Ive had plenty of fluids and have ate this morning…but im dizzy and i keep feeling faint.

Answer #1

Maybe your blood pressure is off…it could also be anemia. If it persists, you should go to the hospital, but make sure you let your doctor know about it when you see him.

Answer #2

common side effects, most women get. You have a lot going on inside your body at this point. Try getting up slowly. If you get dizzy sit down and put your feet up. My doctor told me the same thing. If they rule out anemia, blood suga, and blood pressure problems, you just have to let it run its course. It wont last forever.

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