Makes you wonder

I am watching a new episode of King of the Hill right now, In this episode, according to the No Child Left Behind Act, if Tom Landry Middle School does not pass a standardized test, the school will be closed and all of the employees will lose their jobs. The principal decides to put the students who will probably fail in the special needs class. It made me wonder if that school needs to be closed if it is really doing that bad. What do you think? I ask because this situation can happen in real life as well.

Answer #1

I live in GR and I guess that’s why they closed a bunch of elementary schools around us… =/

Answer #2

This is what is happening, especially in Texas. A friend of mine is a teacher of senior English in Fort Worth and although she’s only been there for a year (we’re all just out of college), if she can’t force her kids to read and become decent writers, she’s out of a job.

We don’t know if they’ll be re-opening any of the schools or how it will happen.

You see, when the school fails standardized tests, they lose funding. . .so they can’t stay open.

I think that the big concern is whether or not the schools will start weeding out the people who don’t score well. Instead of education for everyone, it will be “education for those who perform well on standardized tests,” rather than education for all.

Answer #3

If an entire school full of children cannot pass a standardized test, then obviously, some changes need to be made.

I don’t think they should automatically blame the teachers, however, since it’s possible what is needed is a change of curriculum.

I don’t imagine the school will close down over it; if anything, they’ll re-staff. Schools close if there are not enough students or funding.

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