Make up Probs ?!

My sister finds it hard to where make-up she dousnt have style of any sort. she just wants a normal look and not over done. she has tried mascara,eye liner and shadow on her own but she is getting anoyed when she wants to where make-up but cant find anything that suits her. she is involoved in the semi finals of a picture comp and loses marks for not wearing make-up.

Any thoughts please comment :)

Answer #1

depends..if she has light skin color try some brown eyeliner clear mascara and some lipgloss..if she has darker skin some eyeshadow and blush in an apricot shade I think that would look nice and of course some lipgloss… hope that helps..:)

Answer #2

whats her hair colour? if she has dark hair go for brown eyeshadow, with black mascara if she has lighter hair, then a pale eyeshadow with brown mascara also her colouring? if she is pale, then using black will create a bold look and the darker she is the less it will show,- will look more natural- as for facial make-up, try a foundation to match her skin tone, and bronzer on her cheek bones

:) hope that helps x

Answer #3

Here is a photo of my sister :)

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