How to make myself pretty?

Okay I’m 13 years old. I have the self cofidence of a 2 year old. I think I look disgusting. I’m mixed black and white, and I am pretty tan but not really black or white. a lot of my friends are white, and I feel like I want to be lighted skinned, I feel really ugly when I’m so tan almost native american skinned and my friends are so porcelian looking and pale-ish, I want to be lighter. I don’t know I’m just not very pretty.

Do you guys know anything to make my skin lighter, or anything to enhance my appearance?

P.S. I know its hard to tell because I don’t have a picture but I’m not comfortable posting one sorry.

Answer #1

really white skin is SO not worth it. I burn before I get even a slight tan. trust me, really white skin + sun = lobster red and pain. :) appreciate what you got, hon! I’m a pale jealous girl!

Answer #2

Ugh you don’t want to be pasty white because then you sun burn WAY to easily lol but everyone is pretty in their own you you shouldn’t want to change yourself just because you think you should look like the other girls just look in the mirror and tell your self you’re beautiful no matter who you are =]

Answer #3

honestly I think that being dark is the most beautiful thing in the world…I’m like really white and I hate it…all you have to do is be confident in how you are…I mean do you read magazines??? every beautiful girl in them are tan

Answer #4

I CANT BELIEVE YOU WANT TO BE PALE!!! I have a mixed friend, and her skin is sooo beautiful. id give me thing to be the color of her. she doesnt have to tan and she looks good in a bathing suit in the middle of February! You should consider yourself LUCKY!! im serious!!!

Answer #5

have you ever tried like a high lighting bronzer to highlight your skin and just simply accent your skin and be proud of you? YOu were made that way for a reason. Thats probably not what you want to hear, but I have nasty whit fair skin and hate it. I have recently started useing bronzers and self tanners to get some color and it really helps. but dust a little highlighting powder around your cheekbones, forehead, nose, and chin. And although it does’nt make your skin lighter, it will make it more even toned and beautiful. I would KILL to have your skin honey!!! wear yourself proud and beautiful!!!

Answer #6

OH MY GOD!!! I’m mixed with Black & White also( I’m darker than I look in my pic) & I think we are absolutely TO DIE FOR! I hate the plain, blode, pale White girl look…Exotic girls like us are not appreciated enough in society. When I was about your age (I’m 17 now), I felt terrible about myself & even tried stupid things like rubbing lemon juice all over my skin to make it lighter! Krazy right? It’s only now that I realize how much I overlooked my own, unique beauty. Instead, I looked at people like Paris Hilton & Jessica Simpson & viewed them as the standard of beauty…I’m sure your a gorgeous girl. Mixed people have feauture White people get SURGERY to have! We have dark, curly hair, full lips & of course, the Black girl booty;) Think of it that way hun=)

Answer #7

Sweetheart! Do not even think twice about your beauty, people who are”mixed” have some of the best skin and hair out there. You get the best of both worlds! I am a hair stylist and make up artist- its my job to help girls (and guys) feel and look their best but it starts with being happy with yourself. Its taking what you were given and saying, “this is me, this is awesome!” and then go from there. You have some much to offer you dont even know about.

Answer #8

Hi cheergirlx3. I bet you are absolutely beautiful and don’t even know it. You’re only 13. Give yourself some time to turn into a beautiful swan. You envy your friends but one day they’ll envy you. You are different. You’re unique. Don’t try to be something you’re not. Don’t worry or dwell on the things you cannot change about yourself. If you look more black than white, some people may find you as a very pretty African American girl. I can honestly tell you that I’ve met a lot of women who are mix with black and white and they’re very attractive.

You want the light/pale-ish skin? They want the tan skin. Why do you think so many “white” women go and get a tan? I have a lot of white friends who always complain about their skin being too light and how they want my skin which is naturally tan. They envy how I have a natural tan all year round and don’t have such a high risk of getting skin cancer. I’m not saying that being white is bad. I’m just saying that just appreciate the things you do have because many people would like to be like you too.

You might feel like you stand out like a sore thumb but it’s what makes you different. It’s what makes you, YOU. You’ll love the attention you’ll get when you get older. It’s what’s going to make you stand out from the crowd. Who wants to just fit in/blend in?

You are the only you in this whole entire world. Represent yourself with your head held high and never be ashamed of who you really are.

Take care and I hope you take my advices seriously.

Answer #9

cheergirlx3. What did I tell you? Being “tan” is awsome. I believe all of the girls that answered to you are older than you are. You think that life is always going to be that way at 13 but let me tell you something… There’s a whole different world out there when you get older. You’re not always going to be around the friends you grew up with. You’ll meet new people. You’ll see new places. The things that make you different is going to make you strong and confident. Just let yourself be beautiful. Let yourself be you. Take care.

To all the gals whom answered. Thanks for giving her such a honest and helpful answer. I think the little things we do does really matter in another’s life. Keep up the good work!!

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