Lying About Pregnancy. Fixed.

To clear up my last question. This guy who is older than me and has twin baby girls in a different state used me for sex. I want to get back at him by telling him I’m preganant, but I don’t know how long to wait. Then I was planning on telling him my depo shot (I get it in 12 days) caused me to lose the baby.

Answer #1

I really cared about him. And then he tried setting his friend up with me so his friend could deal with or get layed. I totally blew off his friend. I still like him even though he is ignoring me, because I broke my rules, gave it up, and gave him all my trust. That is what I think makes me so stupid.

Answer #2

The stupid thing is I told him I did want to be used. And he gained all my trust and then screwed me over. And I actually might be preganant by him. So it’s not that immature. Just twisting the possible truth.

Answer #3

yeah.. judgemental people. anyway. I know it’s hard to get over somebody. and you want to get them back.. but you deserve a lot better. someone who cares about you as much as you care about them. easier said than done though.

Answer #4

hey layashea,

“The stupid thing is I told him I did want to be used”

she told him to use her. she is stupid. not to mention skanky.

Answer #5

Wait a month. Pregnancy test usually take a month to show positive. You can also use stress as an explanation of why you lost the baby. Many miscarriages occur from a result of stress.

Answer #6

why don’t you be mature and leave him alone you stalker. what moron is going to lie about a pregnancy to get revenge? YOU were stupid enough to let him use you, so face the music. I bet you haven’t even crossed his mind since he screwed you, so stop trying to get in to contact with him, it just makes you look like a psycho. please grow a brain.

Answer #7

I personally probably wouldnt do it. because I’ve learned that it get’s someone a lot more if you ignore them and act like they dont phase you. I mean I understand wanting to make him worry and all, but sometimes it’s better just to leave stuff alone. it’s up to you. I honestly dont think it’s a horrible thing to do seeing as what he did to you.. and nobody want’s to be used no matter what. some people just dont care about other people’s feelings. you werent stupid, thats not why he used you. he was. <3

Answer #8

Hey. Well if he doesn’t answer there isn’t much you can do. All I can think of is to leave him a voicemail… one that’s very vague. One in which you hint to something but don’t exactly say what it is. End with something like this “you need to hear this from me and no one else.”. This will have him wondering what on earth your talking about. whether an std or something else. He’ll be way too curious not to call you back.

Answer #9

I understand now-sorry. I mean it’s not really good to lie about stuff like that.. but if a guy was that crappy to you then I’d want to scare him too. I’d tell him that you were worried and going to take a test a few weeks after.. and then a week or so after tell him you were. I’d just tell him you were stressed or something.. and thats why you lost it.. people lost babies for all kinds of reasons. <3

Answer #10

Good idea. And if he responds like a month or two later, blow him off and tell him I lost it a week before?

Answer #11

ummm, I dont know about that one. id just leave him thinking you were pregnant until he responded. lol

Answer #12

yeah I guess- haha. I’ve never really done it before. but he deserves to be gotten back somehow.

Answer #13

Screw you TinaToddler. I told him I DID’T want to be used so keep freaking read hoe. I’m not freaking skanky!

Answer #14

Wow… Real mature idea, not - grow up. You doing that just sinks you to his level, which is obviously pretty low.

Answer #15

Who would tell someone they whated to be freaking used? Think about! UM TYPO!

Answer #16

Thank ya’ll What should I do if he doesn’t answer my calls or texts?

Answer #17

how the hell am I skanky?

Answer #18

ya’ll dont think this is bad do ya’ll?

Answer #19

I agree with candiecayne. it’ll deff have him worried

Answer #20

I’m locking this thread - have a nice day. :)

Answer #21

I meant DID’T!!!

Answer #22

nah, you’re still skanky ;}

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